2023 National Intelligent Manufacturing Data Analysis Competition

Greetings to all industry professionals, teachers and students:

We are excited to announce the upcoming 2023 National Intelligent Manufacturing Big Data Analysis Competition.

The total prize money for the competition has been increased to NT$3 million, and each team will have a chance to win up to NT$1 million!

The competition’s online registration will be open from June 15th to July 27th.

We welcome all domestic data analytics experts to join the competition and win prizes!

The Ministry of Education, in collaboration with Tunghai University, is hosting the “2023 National Intelligent Manufacturing Big Data Analysis Competition” to promote the use of “Artificial Intelligence” and “Big Data Analysis” in smart manufacturing. The competition is divided into two groups: “Enterprises and Research Institutions Group” and “College and Graduate Students Group.”

Its main goal is to encourage practical applications of these technologies and cultivate talents in related fields. The competition is supported by the following sponsors: Bank of China, Kung Chun Precision, Wing Chun Machinery, Jun Hua Precision, Chi-Sheng Industrial, China Grinding Wheel, Daflo, Ming Chang International, Dongtai Precision Machinery, Han Hsiang Aeronautics, and the Center for Instrumentation Science and Technology of the National Taiwan Research Institute.

The competition offers real-world data to encourage students from universities and colleges, as well as enterprises and academic research institutes, to apply practical problem-solving in various industries.

The final competition will be held on November 25, 2012 (Sat) at Tunghai University. Students and industry professionals who are interested in participating in the competition are welcome to apply!

For inquiries, please contact Ms. Xu at the Library and Information Office of Tunghai University at (04) 23590121#30242.

Contact e-mail: thubigdata@thu.edu.tw

✅Competition Website: https://imbd2023.thu.edu.tw

✅Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/THU.thubigdata/
✅ Competition Presentation: https://ithu.tw/seminar2023